Fjording Macchiato

Caramel flavored cream liqueurs are traditionally very suitable for mixing with hot coffee. Both black and milk-based coffee. This is definitely the case with Fjording Hazelnut Caramel. 

This specific recipe is for anybody who wants to make use of their espresso machine and milk steamer. Adding a nice foam topping to the drink.

Recommended track while mixing: Cream - Strange Brew

Our professional customer, Hoven Restaurant, called the drink Fjording Macchiato. 

Our professional customer, Hoven Restaurant, called the drink Fjording Macchiato. 

In English:

Dobbel espresso
4 cl Fjording Hazelnut Caramel
4 cl steamed milk

På norsk:

Dobbel espresso
4 cl Fjording Hazelnut Caramel
4 cl varm, skumma melk