Fjording Colada

Fjording Colada is a drink recipe for anybody who likes that sunny feeling. A perfect summer drink - or a perfect drink to enjoy while dreaming of summer. 

Find your blender, some Fjording, and mix it all up with the delicious ingredients listed below.

Recommended track while mixing: Jack Johnson, Upside Down

Fjording Colada, in the style of Daniel Diaw and the Hoven Loen bartender team.

Fjording Colada, in the style of Daniel Diaw and the Hoven Loen bartender team.

In English:

4 cl Fjording Hazelnut Caramel
¼ banana
10 cl ice cubes
6 cl colada mix (alternative: 3 cl coconut cream, 2 cl cream, 1 cl pineapple juice)
4-6 hazel nuts

Blend it all together. Garnish with a little crushed hazelnut on top.

På norsk:

4 cl Fjording Hazelnut Caramel
¼ banan
10 cl isbiter
6 cl colada mix (kan eventuelt bruke 3 cl kokoskrem, 2 cl krem, 1 cl ananasjuice)
4-6 hasselnøtter

Alt køyrast i blender. Garnere gjerne med litt knust hasselnøtt på toppen.