“Why the hell haven’t a Nordic company picked a fight with Baileys?”
15 years ago I studied Marketing Management at Norwegian School of Marketing/BI in Oslo. At student parties me and my friends often kicked the night off with a glass or three of White Russian or Coffee & Baileys. The picture beneath is from one such crazy evening, taken in a hotel room in Stockholm, spring 2003.
In these circumstances the same question run through my head over and over again. I couldn't quite understand why Baileys was left alone to take "all" of the Cream Liqueur Market. I could be saying things like;
"1600 farmers in Ireland are fully occupied in delivering milk to Baileys production. In the Nordics we also produce premium milk, actually way too much of it. The farmers complain about the milk prices. And we produce alcohol here. How hard can it be? What's stopping us?"
My friends didn't have any good answers. And 15 years later I still haven't solved the puzzle. Which has driven me to make a decision:
“Not a single Nordic company have picked a fight with Baileys yet...
Ok, I’ll make it happen!”
My student friends, which patiently have been hearing about my idea all these years, are finally seeing things happen :)
A remake of the original Stockholm-photo, taken at the annual "Julebord" (after tasting Nordic Cream), November/Movember 2016.